
What is KOICA?

KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) is a South Korean government agency that implements grant aid and technical cooperation programs to support socio-economic development in partner countries. Established in 1991 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, KOICA focuses on areas such as education, health, rural development, governance, and ICT, contributing to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It offers various programs, including scholarships and training for professionals, overseas volunteer initiatives (World Friends Korea), development projects in collaboration with governments and NGOs, and humanitarian aid. KOICA’s programs have specific conditions, such as eligibility based on nationality, professional background, and development needs. Scholarship applicants, for example, must be from KOICA’s partner countries, have relevant work experience, and commit to contributing to their country's development after completion. Similarly, project funding and technical assistance depend on alignment with South Korea’s ODA priorities and the recipient country’s socio-economic goals.